Monday, February 27, 2006

New website all about.... my book!!!

Okay, I realise I may be the only one who is genuinely excited about this, but the fact remains that there's a new website dedicated to my book, Taking Comfort.

Have a look see.

There's even a video clip of me spouting about the book. Dig deep and you shall find it.

It's a work in progress still. The video clip is a tad too long, and some type seems to have mysteriously dropped off. (Perhaps someone took it.) But it's getting there.

Now all I have to do is tell people about it. On that subject I had a wonderful suggestion from Debra Broughton, who has suggested that I print my url on teabags and give them away at Highgate Station. I love that idea, though it may prove a little tricky to execute.

By the way, Debra has very kindly interviewed me on her blog.


Richard Cooper said...

You should be excited! This is fun!

Roger Morris said...

Thanks for looking in, Matt, and congratulations on your own book. I think you'll find the time will go quicker than you imagine.

You're right about Mike Barnard - he is a great bloke, very genuine and very supportive. I agree too that ultimately it will come down to the writing. My only hope is that those that attacked the scheme when it was first announced, will be able to lay aside their prejudices when it comes to making their minds up about the book.

Enjoy the ride.
