Thursday, September 27, 2007

Spot the difference.

I've discovered today that the cover for the UK mass market paperback is now up on Amazon. My name got bigger I notice! Though actually I think it's just that the book got smaller.

Interesting anyhow to compare it to the original large format trade paperback.

And the American paperback.

If anyone can explain these subtle differences to me, I'd be very grateful.

Still no sign yet of a cover for this one.


David Isaak said...

What "American paperback"? When's that happening?

Paul Campbell said...

So, is that "A Vengeful Longing" in the UK and "The Vengeful Longing" in the States?

Have you mentioned this one before? Maybe I missed the announcement? Huge congratulations, anyway.

How do you find the time?

Roger Morris said...

Hi David, it's due out March 2008, I believe. That's what it says on amazon anyhow! Will be a Penguin paperback. Unbelievable!

And hi Paul. Haha! No it's the indefinite article both sides of the pond. In fact, the US editor didn't want to make any edits to the UK text. They're using the same cover too, I believe. I have had sight of the cover, but it's still under wraps. Not sure when I will be allowed to share it.

Thanks for the congrats. I don't know if I mentioned the book specifically. I had a two book deal with Faber and Penguin (and a couple of other publishers, Droemer in Germany, for example). The second book had to be delivered to Faber a year after the publication of the first, so it was quite an intense period. Never written a novel to a deadline, under contract, before, so the pressures were enormous. As to finding the time, somehow the thing got written. My family still seem to be talking to me as well.

slippingthroughtheworld said...

hi roger

i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoyed reading a gentle axe. i was very impressed with how you kept all the balls in the air; the culture the era the mystery. wonderful book. loved every minute of it and looking forward to the next one.


Roger Morris said...

Hi Irene, thank you! It's wonderful to get feedback, especially when it's positive. I really appreciate you dropping by to leave your message.
