Sunday, September 09, 2007

P-day for David-I

Last week I wasn't concentrating very hard so I missed the official publication date of Shock and Awe by David Isaak. But that's okay. As David himself suggests, official publication days are fairly nominal things.

David is a special guy for many reasons, but in publishing terms he's special for being the first US-resident American author published by Macmillan New Writing (nice banner there, by the way, David). The twice published Michael Fuchs may be a yank, but lives here in London. I know because I've seen him wandering the streets.

David is a generous supporter of other authors, as well as being an extremely well-read, charming and civilised chap. He's given a lot of thought to the art and craft of writing, and regularly shares his thoughts on his blog, which I wholeheartedly recommend. I first made his acquaintance online, as so often is the way these days, at a website called Absolutewrite. I was coming under attack for signing with MNW, which was seen by most of the absolutewriters as the devil's own imprint. Single-handedly, David came to my defence. Of course, he had a ms in submission there himself, so that may have had something to do with it. But his open-mindedness, patience and good-humour were obvious.

When David was over in the UK earlier this year, he took time out to venture to the wilds of north London to come to a bookshop event I was doing. We fell into a pub afterwards and had a good old chat. It was great to meet him in person at last.

I wish him the best of luck with Shock and Awe. I'm looking forward to picking up my own copy next week, and getting stuck into it as soon as I have got the proofs for my next 'un out of the way. (Yes, that's what I should be doing instead of being here blogging.)


David Isaak said...

Thanks for the kind words, Roger. Actually it was the assaults on MNW that drew them to my attention in the first place--I'd probably never have know about MNW if it weren't for all the controversy, but the big cloud of smoke drew my attention.

I knew you had another Porfiry in the works, but I didn't realize it was coming so soon. February? Who knew? (Apart from you, of course.)

Roger Morris said...

Hi David. My pleasure. So that's how it was? I wasn't sure whether the chicken or egg had come first. In which case, all that nonsense had one very good outcome.

Yep, the new one will be out next Feb. I found out the traditional way. By looking on amazon! (June in the US, I'm told, btw.)