Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A hand yell for MJ Rose!

Well, I'm not entirely sure what a hand yell is. But I got one from MJ Rose over at buzz, balls and hype, so I thought I'd return the favour.

Buzz, balls and hype is a highly influential as well as entertaining blog, which features a range of valuable information for writers, including tips on marketing, and even advice from a psychologist on topics such as overcoming writer's block. There's a great essay by Barry Eisler about the different kinds of resonance in titles.

MJ Rose herself is a thriller writer with a string of acclaimed novels to her name. She doesn't do reviews, but if she reads a book she likes, she's not afraid to give it a good hand yell. Whatever that is.

Thank you, MJ.


MJRose said...

Thanks Roger.
(And I fixed the spelling)

A hand yell or hand yelling is my version of hand sell or hand selling.

I don'treview books at all but when I like one I don't just mention it I yell about it.

Congrats on a wonderful novel!

Roger Morris said...

Hi MJ, thanks for popping in. I really do appreciate the opportunity you gave me with the backstory and I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. Hey, you can spell it however you like!
