My thanks go to the indefatigable David Isaak. Indefatigable is only one word you could use to describe the man and it hardly does him justice. But I chose it today, as opposed to any other epithets (e.g., generous, engaging, perceptive and frequently laugh-out-loud funny) because of his efforts in tracking down a copy of the American Axe. You can read all about it on his
blog. His post even features an intriguing photo of the soon-to-be-bestselling author of Smite The Waters (
Macmillan New Writing, September 2007), in a Magritte-style pose with his copy of The Gentle Axe. If you haven't bookmarked
TOMORROWVILLE yet, I advise you to do so immediately. You won't regret it.
Anyhow, thank you David. Your efforts really were above and beyond the call of duty. And the photos you sent are helping me get my head round the fact that this is really happening, after all.
By way of a gift for David, and for everyone who has stumbled onto the plog today, I thought I would share with you an eggy diorama made by my daughter and two of her friends for Easter. It's a depiction of a traditional Easter scene, featuring Yoka from Egg Wars. I hope you like it.
Your daughter is one very talented and funny lady!
Actually, I'm not snooping 'round for copies of the Axe for your benefit, but for my own peace of mind. I figure if you can sell books in the US from way over there, then I've got a chance of selling some books in the UK from way over here...
Thanks David. I look forward to returning the favour!
I will probably post some of the shots you sent me tomorrow. It's gone midnight here now and I will probably mess up.
That's fantastic!
May the yoke be with you!
Great work from your daughter and her friends! I take it her arm is better now? It's not holding her back, that's for sure!
Thanks Nik and cfr. No, cfr, her right arm is still in plaster. In fact, a whole arm cast. She can move her fingers a bit and is learning to use her left hand. Plus she's very good at getting other people to do stuff. (Me and her mum included - and especially her little bro'.)
Aha, early learning of management systems! Perhaps company director in the future then...
"Perhaps company director in the future then..."
Think more Hollywood starlet in trailer... or trainee god.
Wow. Now that is one seriously cool Yoka.
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