Thursday, February 15, 2007

More reviews for the Axe.

I haven't actually seen these in full, but the press officer at Faber has forwarded me these quotes:

‘RN Morris has brilliantly appropriated (Petrovich) from Dostoevsky’s novel. … Morris’ recreation of the seamy side of 19th-century St Petersbury is vivid and convincing … As to who did it, Morris keeps the reader guessing until the end. …Morris even includes the statutory holy monk on his deathbed, and he has certain advantages over Dostoevsky: A Gentle Axe is much shorter than Crime and Punishment, and much easier to read.’  Virginia Rounding, Independent

‘Morris has created an atmospheric St Petersburg, and a stylish set of intellectual problems, but what makes A Gentle Axe such an effective debut is its fascination with good and evil.  It has earned its author the right to make use of the work of a greater writer.’  Roz Kaveney, TLS

Been quietly grinning to myself this morning.

More quotes here.


Anne Brooke said...

Wonderful news, Roger - well done!!



Anonymous said...

Good exposure and reviews, Roger! Congrats!

MR MIKEY said...

Congratulations, Roger! I'm thrilled for you and madly impressed. Must read asap - always fascinated by anything Russian as my two daughters come from there and I've visited St Petersburg several times in the course of adopting.
Lucy xx

David Isaak said...

I'm rereading C&P to get in a Porfiry mindset before pub date over here...

I've been going on a bit about my (distinctly non-McKee) writing process, and curious if anyone else would like to describe theirs. Perhaps you'd like to share a quick post on the topic when things slow down a bit?

Roger Morris said...

Thanks Anne, cfr, Lucy and David. Kids half term at the moment, so I'm even more distracted than usual.

Lucy, it's interesting that you know St Petersburg. My St Petersburg is very much a city of the imagination! I did visit there, but only after the book was written. It was a research trip for the next book. A strange, intense but very wonderful experience.

David, I left a comment on your blog. It's an interesting subject. I may post something here when I get a chance. Which is not often these days!

Thanks all,
