Friday, September 29, 2006

The world's first myspace virtual reading?

Well, there is a question mark at the end of that heading. It's the first one I know about, and it's certainly new for me and my publishers, but I can't help thinking someone must have done it before.

This is how I broke my glasses, by the way. Took them off to read from the book then sat on them. I hope it was worth it (£84 to get them repaired. I'll have to sell quite a few copies to pay for that!)

Let me know what you think. To view just click on the screen below, or click here to go to the actual event. Excited? I am.

Get this video and more at


Dr Ian Hocking said...

Interesting idea, Roger. Reminds me a little of the 'virtual tours' some writers do when they're promoting - i.e. they make special guest appearances on various blogs. Best of luck with it.

Nik Perring said...

Great stuff, Roger. I enjoyed that.

Roger Morris said...

Thanks Ian and Nik. Ian you may be able to identify the provenance of one of the quotes I used at the beginning!
