Remember the very clever review of the book in the style of the book? Kathryn Koromilas, who wrote it, has got a story appearing in the sex-themed anthology See You Next Tuesday. That's right. Sex-themed. Sounds like a winner.
From the publisher's blurb:
The recipe for our new anthology is simple: Sex, 50 stories, 1,000 words each, written by 50 authors from all over the globe. A scandalous fusion of literary traditions, See You Next Tuesday is the exclusive and hyper-unusual mishmash of never-seen sex-texts, exploring the inevitable and always poignant cross-sections of human existence and sexuality.
Kathryn's own story is called A Silly Little Thing, which sounds intriguing.
There are a few other names I recognise in the roll call of authors. (Take a bow, Don Capone and Alicia Gifford.)
Check it out then buy my book.
You are too kind, Roger! Many thanks for plogging this!
Thanks for plugging and plogging this collection, Roger! There are many, many good writers included. I'm proud to be a part of it.
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