We always knew it was going to happen, and now it has. I learnt on Friday that Mike Barnard, aka Mr MNW, has brought forward the date of his retirement and has handed over the reins of Macmillan New Writing to Will Atkins. As an executive board director of Macmillan UK, Mike was effectively the founder of Macmillan New Writing. It was his vision, his business plan, his expertise, energy and enthusiasm that made it happen.
As a publisher, Mike has shown great imagination and courage, not to mention good taste. Hey, he published my book, didn't he?
Mike once told me he had one simple rule: he would only publish books he believed in.
I know he is proud of Macmillan New Writing, as he should be.
There was some other news in the email that Mike sent me: Macmillan have now secured North American distribution for the first six MNW titles. This means that from Spring '07 (in the US) and January '07 (Canada) Taking Comfort will be available for any American visitors to the plog to buy. You know who you are. And now you have no excuses.
Crikey, Roger, this means you'll be going international. Tiring New York launches and wit over white wine beckon...stiff upper lip, though, eh?
Hi Roger
I got the e-mail from Mike on Friday. Unfortunately I only met him once in person, but from months of e-mail correspondence I thought he was always extremely helpful and approachable. I'm also thankful that he discovered my book and I.
It's fortunate that Will Atkins has now taken over the MNW editorial role - and I've found Will to be just as eager, creative and approachable as Mike.
Ian - the book will be going to America. Doesn't necessarily follow that I will! Think I could just about put up with it if I did get the call.
Matt, Will is brilliant. I'm sure he'll do a great job. By the way, I love the cover of your book, very classy - and the story sounds like a rip-roaring yarn! Great stuff.
Good luck.
Hi Roger,
Fantastic news about US sales.
It is sad about Mike's departure, even though Will and Sophie are superb. I'm off to visit some friends in Sydney (where I used to live) for a week and got myself some pre-launch interviews there, so Will's talking to Macmillan out there about capitalising on potential Aus sales. Makes you feel looked after.
Talking of which, I hope you'll come to my launch at Goldsboro Books on 7th Sept (see natty little revolving ad on their site - www.goldsborobooks.co.uk - top right corner after Orange Prize!)
I'm following you into Write Words now. Joined but find it all rather confusing. Are you part of a forum? Do you post your work for others to comment on? Where did you leave your thread(s)which I found by searching you.
How did Matt get a hyperlink into his comment (above)? (But I think it's "my book and me", Matt!)
Why do they ask you to copy thos squiggly letters before publishing?
All these questions must have an answer somewhere.
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