Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Shameless Review, no really...

I've been reviewed by another anonymous blogger. Shameless.

My favourite bit from the review? Well, I have to confess I liked this bit:

"This novel is very unique and original, and that's what makes it attractive. Inventive writing has been successfully merged with a page-turning plot, and so there is double pleasure. It is a fast, frenzied ride to the end and you find yourself not wanting to get off."

He also takes on one of the tosserati critics Macmillan New Writing, some broadsheet literary hack who had come out early to pour cold water on the whole enterprise.

"In one of the reviews I saw of this new collection, a newspaper critic complained that there wasn't enough "new writing" in the Macmillan New Writing line-up. I remembered this when I was a few pages into Morris' book and I wanted to say out loud, "if this isn't new, then the Pope isn't Catholic." You'll appreciate that I was in public, in Ireland, and so it just remained a thought."

And before you ask, I have no idea who Shameless is either.

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